這裏有一篇,有關無線網路爛了的解法,有問題的朋友可以試試,我的 WL-330nul 一樣是沒有用,只能用斷斷續續的 Ap 模式
感覺回到了用 Linux 時的初衷,還會邊拔插裝置,tail -f 看一下 /var/log/system.log 的錯誤
另外,Yosemite 已經預設不讓你裝沒有簽證過的 kernel module 了,所以用 homebrew 要裝 osxfuse 會吐
terry@localhost /var/log $ brew install osxfuse
osxfuse: osxfuse is already installed from the binary distribution and
conflicts with this formula.
osxfuse: OS X Mavericks or older is required for this package.
OS X Yosemite introduced a strict unsigned kext ban which breaks this package.
You should remove this package from your system and attempt to find upstream
binaries to use instead.
Error: Unsatisified requirements failed this build.
我是直接下載 dmg 安裝了